This past Sunday, The Grand 1894 Opera House and The Grand Kids Festival sponsored a float in the Galveston Firefighter's Children's Parade. Wow! The weather was fantastic and the crowds were huge! We tossed beads, water bottles, special Grand Kids Festival cups and beach balls to thousands of parade watchers! The theme for the children's parade was "Salute to Hollywood" and we selected "Snow White and the (Seven), (Ten) Bunch of Dwarfs" because we had about 20 folks participate with our float! A great time was had by all, and if you look closely at the photographs... you just might find our Executive Director Maureen Patton. (the Queen to her real-life daughter's Snow White!) Thanks to all the Grand Staff and Kids Festival Committee members for putting this all together! All this fun to let folks know about The Grand Kids Festival, coming up on Saturday April 10, 2010 from 10am-5pm. Hope to see you there!